Class A Members
NBBC’s Founding Members
Of Rural Americans Without broadband
43 Million
Americans Do Not Have High-Speed Internet
47 0f 92 Counties
By Microsoft — No More Than 22% of Households Have High-Speed Access in Indiana, a USA TODAY Analysis shows.
NBBC – Connecting Communities Across Indiana
Advancing Cutting-Edge Broadband Solutions to Bridge the Digital Divide
We believe having a reliable internet connection is a basic need in today’s digital economy, just like your electric service. Advocates say the “digital divide” across the United States is mainly due to a lack of internet infrastructure in the country’s rural reaches and the relatively high broadband cost, making the service unaffordable for many in urban centers. In about half of Indiana’s counties — 47 of 92 — measured by a Federal Communications Commission study, broadband access is available to at least 79% of residents. Yet in about half of the state measured by Microsoft — 47 of 92 counties — no more than 22% of households have high-speed access, a USA TODAY analysis shows.
The National Broadband Cooperatives (NBBC) is working to support this effort. NBBC is a first-of-its-kind association committed to bringing the highest quality broadband to rural and underserved communities across our region. Whether you are an ISP providing the fiber backbone, a middle-mile partner, a last-mile service provider, an infrastructure manufacturer, a supplier, an installation contractor, or a WISP, we invite you to join our effort to bring broadband to our rural communities.
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